21 Dec 2024

Instructions for Authors

FUNGI publishes artwork, photography, essays, original research papers, review articles, book reviews, even poetry on all aspects of fungi, including lichens and slime molds. Articles with color photographs; illustrations; keys to genera, species, families, etc.; and notes of interest on rare and unusual fungi are especially welcome. Articles should be knowledgeable and well illustrated and aimed at an informed but not necessarily specialist readership. There are no length requirements. There are no page charges to publish in FUNGI. All technical papers and reports will be peer-reviewed to ensure quality. Following acceptance, authors of technical papers can expect a rapid time to publication; all technical papers and any supplemental information will be published online at the Magazine’s website. Published content of FUNGI is under copyright and permission for reproduction must be obtained by application in writing to the Publisher. NOTE: The Editors reserve the right to edit manuscripts for clarity of expression and to conform to journal style and the limits of the space available; permission to do so will first be obtained from all corresponding authors of manuscripts.

Submission of manuscripts
Submit manuscripts to the Publisher as Microsoft Word document files as an email attachment. (Alternately, copies may be sent on diskette, CD-ROM, or flash drive.) Whichever method, it may be helpful to send a pdf (or printed hard copy) to suggest placement of tables, figures, or images used. All manuscripts will be reviewed by the Publisher and at least one other Editor. The Publisher will make the final decision on acceptance. It is strongly recommended that you have your manuscript reviewed by a reputable authority before you submit it for publication; this will be to your benefit in the long run!

Send manuscripts to:
Britt A. Bunyard, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, FUNGI
P. O. Box 98
Batavia, IL 60510

Questions? The Editor can be reached at: fungimag@gmail.com

While the rules for publishing in FUNGI are not overly rigorous, the Editors will strive for high quality articles of a consistent format. To that end, here are a few guidelines to follow:

  • It is imperative to check previous issues of FUNGI for clarification on style and format.
  • All text must be left-aligned so that the right margin is uneven (not justified).
  • Paragraph indents should be consistent throughout the file. Use the tab key or paragraph indent, not multiple spaces.
  • A single space after punctuation ending a sentence (not a double space).
  • Other commonly seen errors should be avoided, including: American English always uses double quote marks (not single) unless those quote marks are within a quote; use an n-dash, or en dash, (not hyphen) to denote a range or span of numbers e.g., 55–60; do not italicize commas within a group of scientific names (but do italicize the scientific names). Do not begin a sentence with an abbreviation or a number (spell out). Numbers 10 and above are generally written as numbers (not spelled out) within the body of the text.
  • Authors are urged to have one or more colleagues read and criticize the manuscript prior to submitting it.
  • Manuscripts requiring extensive alterations by the Publisher will be returned to the author for correction of the document.
  • The most common reason for returning manuscripts is that author did not follow proper style in References Cited section of manuscript.
  • Title page, abstract, and key words are not necessary but are useful in technical papers.
  • Title page The first page should include a reasonably short title, the author(s) name(s), full postal address(es) and postal code(s), and, if available, email address.
  • Abstract Technical papers and reports should start with a brief abstract (of up to 200 words as a single paragraph) that is followed by key words so that the gist of the report can appear in the abstracting periodicals that list FUNGI. The abstract must stand alone and be informative without the need for reference to the text.
  • Key Words Each technical paper should be accompanied by a listing of several key words as an aid to abstracting journals and retrieval. Key words should supplement the title and not duplicate title words. Insert the key words in alphabetical order immediately after the abstract on a separate indented line.
  • Scientific names of genera and species must be in italics (e.g., Agaricus bisporus, Homo sapiens, Amanita muscaria var. muscaria). All formal rank above genus and species should also be italicized, e.g., Amanitaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycota. Informal rank should neither be capitalized nor italicized, as with gasteromycetes, basidiomycetes, and ascomycetes. Specific vernacular names should begin with a capital letter if describing a formal or proper group (e.g., Fly Agaric, Blewits, Russulas, several Tremellas, etc.) but not if speaking generally (e.g., an ascomycete, a bolete, the agarics, cup fungi, etc.). The full scientific name (genus and species) is fully written the first time used; it may be abbreviated subsequent times (Agaricus bisporusA. bisporus). Genus name must be spelled out when beginning a sentence.
  • Tables should have a caption and be submitted on a separate sheet (and clearly labeled). Tables should be numbered consecutively as Table 1, Table 2, etc. All tables must be referred to in the text in the order presented.
  • Figures may be line illustrations (figures, charts, graphs and drawings) or photographs (black-and-white or color) and should be referred to consecutively in the text in the order presented. Illustrations and photographs may be submitted digitally as an attachment or linked to ftp site; or sent on a diskette / CD-ROM; or may be sent as a hard copy to be scanned. To look good in print, we use only high resolution images: line drawings or black and white photographs @ 1000 dpi; color photographs @ 300 dpi or higher for good resolution. Each figure being sent digitally should be named unambiguously, preferably with figure number in the title; hard copy figures or print outs can be supplied on a separate sheet with a label or description (may be on reverse side) clearly identifying the author’s name and figure number. Figure legends must be self-explanatory; they should be at the very end of manuscript (following References Cited) or typed on a separate sheet. Line drawings should be designed to fit the page (approx. 8.5” X 11”). Photographs must be clear and of good quality, clearly labeled and numbered as for line drawings. Photographs should be of highest resolution / dimensions as possible (see above). For best results, digitally submitted photographs should be sent as tiff or RAW files; jpg files may be suitable (check resolution first). Do not send images embedded within manuscript text document. Please note that the resolution of your home computer monitor is probably only 72 dpi; just about everything looks good on a computer monitor. Just because your images look good on your computer does not mean they will be high enough resolution to look good in print. High resolution (300 dpi or so) of the original image is critical. Please, please, please no cell phone images. (Don’t even ask!) For microscopic features, scale should be provided.
  • Literature Cited It is imperative to follow the style seen in previous editions of FUNGI. No exceptions. Citations in the text should use the author-date style and must include the full title of the paper (capitalize first word only) and its source (journal title—unabbreviated; all authors of the work, not simply “et al.,” if a book—include author(s)/editor(s), publisher and page count; etc.). Be sure to use an n-dash between range of page numbers, not a hyphen. See below examples for specific styles. All references must be cited in the text, and all references in the text should appear in the list of references and be in alphabetical order. The corresponding author is responsible for the accuracy of references.
  • Examples of citation in the text:
    • Johnsen (1833) said …
    • Species are ubiquists (Johnsen, 1830; Johnsen and Brown, 1833; Johnsen et al., 1835)
  • Examples of references:
    • Johnsen, H. 1833. Species are ubiquists. Journal of Ubiquism 5: 35–400.
    • Johnsen, H., and D. Brown. 1833. Toadstools in forests. Journal of Mushrooms 6(2): 1–5.
    • Johnsen, H., M. Smith, and D. Brown. 1833. Lawn toadstools. Journal of Mushrooms 6(3): 10–25.
    • Johnsen, H. 1833. On the Ubiquism of Species. London, Paris: Longman & Co. 535 pp.
    • Johnsen, H. 1833. Species as ubiquists. In: D. Brown, Ed., Toadstools of Britain, pp. 545–567. London, Paris: Longman & Co.
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